Demo Uni Showcase
The Griffindale University research beacons are examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest questions facing the planet.
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- Published cosmogenic nuclide and springtail data from Dronning Maud LandA compilation of existing cosmogenic nuclide data from the Dronning Maud Land sector of East Antarctica. A compilation of existing Antarctic springtail records from the Dronning Maud Land sector of East Antarctica categorised according to methods described in Cooper et al. (2025).
- Dataset
- Research Data on Intensity of "Exploitation-Exploration Innovation Strategies and Credit Ratings"This document explains how we obtained the data we used in our paper in section 1. Section 2 presents the STATA codes for tables developed in our paper. We also provide a master file in a CSV format that can be used in STATA to run all analyses using the codes provided in section 2.
- Dataset
- Yi Stigma and Cultural belief survey (2024)This survey was conducted in between 2023-2024 from Liangshan State, Sichuan, China. The aim of project was to test the cultural belief unique to Yi community in Liangshan, in referencing to the mainstream (Han majority) cultural norms.
- Dataset
- Holistic Bidding Strategies: Addressing Target Shareholders’ Behavioral Resistance in M&AsEstimating the Average Purchase Price of Target Shareholders on the Eve of the Offer
- Dataset
- The gangue sponge: implications for in-situ/heap leaching of chalcopyrite(Partial) dissolution of reactive aluminosilicate gangue minerals increase the complexity of chalcopyrite leaching by forming an amorphous, porous silica residue that interacts with the leaching solution to form local non-equilibirum microenvironments. Reactive phyllosilicates chamosite and kaolinite minerals berthierine and greenalite sample mineralogy and bulk chemistry is determined by XRD, XRF, Moessbauer Spectroscopy and OES. After leaching, the leaching solution chemistry was analysed via OES and UV-VIS. The leaching residue textures, chemistry and cpy S-oxidation state was analysed using SEM, FIB, uXRF and uXANES. Heterogeneous element distribution in the porous textures and leaching solution, as well as chalcopyrite and pyrite textures reveal incongruent dissolution of reactive gangue minerals that form a porous amorphous silica residue that can entrap and penetrate Cu sulfides. The pores of the ASR form local microreactors with variable non equilibium conditions of the lixiviant, that lead to larger variety and more complex S oxidation states on chalcopyrite grains. Gangue mineral dissolution hence influences chalcopyrite leaching reactions and Cu recovery.
- Dataset
- Farm infrastructure and stocking rate influence stream nutrient concentrations - datasetDataset used for correlation analysis and partial least squares regression to understand the influence of farm infrastructure density and stocking rate to stream nutrient concentration. Detailed description of each file is found in the summary_of_datasets.txt file.
- Dataset
- Earth’s early differentiation recorded by halogen abundance ratios in Hawaiian lavasElectron microprobe major element and halogen data for submarine glasses. Radiogenic isotope data for corresponding glass and rock. Samples from around the Hawaiian archipelago.
- Dataset
- Data Fast growing urban areas as drivers of sea turtle nest predation (The Leatherback Trust ©)
- Dataset
- Appendix for article entitled "Xenolith Zircons Record the Long Geological History of India-Asia Convergence: Results From U-Pb Depth Profiling"This is the online dataset for appendix of an article entitled "Xenolith Zircons Record the Long Geological History of India-Asia Convergence: Results From U-Pb Depth Profiling". Please find Text S1, Fig S1-S3 in Supporing Information file and Table S1-S7 in Supplementary Table file. Please contact the corrsponding author if you have any question.
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- Demographic Change and Long-Term Economic Growth Path in AsiaReplication Folder for "Demographic Change and Long-Term Economic Growth Path in Asia"
- Dataset