Horn fly transcriptome data of 10 populations from the southern United States Supplementary Data

Published: 6 February 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/szjkzv8bj6.2


Pesticide usage for the control of horn flies in livestock has led to resistance in multiple classes of these chemicals. We sequenced ten populations of horn flies with varying degrees of resistance to study the different pesticide resistance seen among them using Illumina paired-end HiSeq. De novo assembly of each population’s transcriptome was conducted using the CLC Genomics Workbench 8.0.1 De Novo Assembler and annotation was done using Blast2GO PRO version 5.2.5. This research was reported in full in Bendele et al. Data in Brief and the supplemental data produced from this manuscript can be found here. Supplementary File 1 SortMeRNA custom horn fly mitochondrial and ribosomal RNA database created from NCBI sequences to remove most of the overrepresented ribosomal and mitochondrial sequences. Supplementary Table 1 Preassembly statistics of population and replicate read pairs. Supplementary Table 2 De novo transcriptome assembly statistics Supplementary Table 3 Populations BlastX annotations Supplementary Table 4 Populations InterProScan annotations Supplementary Table 5 Populations Gene Ontology (GO) annotations Supplementary Table 6 Top 10 GO terms from each population Supplementary Table 7 Populations enzyme code annotations



USDA-ARS Knipling-Bushland US Livestock Insects Research Laboratory


Insecticide Resistance
