Sensory data, composition, starch properties, and amylase activities of 15 sweetpotato genotypes

Published: 29 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/j74g6d74h8.1


These are sensory data, composition, starch properties, and amylase activities of 15 sweetpotato genotypes that were used in the manuscript " Baked Sweetpotato Textures and Sweetness: An Investigation into Relationships Between Physicochemical and Cooked Attributes " by Allan, Johanningsmeier, Nakitto, Guambe, Abugu, Pecota, and Yencho.


Steps to reproduce

More details can be found in the associated article but methods are summarized below. Sugar contents: 1 g of freeze dried sweetpotato powder extracted 3x with 7mL of 80% ethanol at 70C. Sugars were separated and quantified using an HPLC-PAD with CarboPac Pa 1 column and 1 ml/min of 200 mM NaOH isocratic mobile phase. Starch contents: Megazyme Total Starch Assay Kit Cell wall material contents: Calculated as the dry matter minus total starch and sugar contents Amylase activities: Megazyme Ceralpha Method and Betamyl-3 Kits Starch characterization: Starch was isolated by grinding sweetpotato slices with water, filtering through cheesecloth, centrifuging at 200g for 2 min and decanting. This was repeated for 3 cycles followed by a 95% ethanol wash and drying. This starch was used for the following starch characterization assays. Gelatinization temperature and starch type ratio: 1:2 w/w starch to water slurries were heated from 10 to 105C at 10C/min. 3 peaks were deconvoluted from the gelatinization event and the ratios of the peaks were used to estimate the ratios of the B-, C-, and A-type starch ratios. Starch granule size: Measured particles from 1 to 50 uM using a Malvern Mastersizer.


USDA Agricultural Research Service


Agricultural Science, Characterization of Food, Starch Gelatinization, Chemical Composition of Food, Sweet Potato


Agricultural Research Service

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

