Lessons from a next generation carbon ranching experiment
Published: 13 July 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gbrsptknjb.1
, , , , Description
In association with the paper entitled, “Lessons from a next generation carbon ranching experiment” the following data set has been archived: (1) CSV files of raw data (2013, 2018) used in various data transformations to ultimately estimate soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks; (2) CSV files with data summaries (2013, 2018) after data transformations; (3) text files of R script of data transformations and SOC stock equations with metadata; (4) text files of R script of statistical analyses of summary files with metadata; (5) text files of R session info; and (6) readme text file with descriptions of files, description of workflow, and metadata.
Steps to reproduce
See readme file.
Universite de Parakou, USDA-ARS Range and Livestock Research Laboratory
Grassland, Carbon Sequestration, Soil Carbon, Livestock Management, Rangeland Management, Soil Organic Carbon Storage, Rangeland, Grazing Management, Soil Organic Carbon